Commodore Free 20
t.music editor 2
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TND Creating music with DMC
Created by Richard Bayliss
with Special thanks to Rio/Rattenrudel
Commodore Free would like to thank
Richard Bayliss for his permission to
reprint this guide.
Many users would like to make more of
their machines, we all have various
talents and if you felt inspired to
create music on a Commodore 64 where
would you begin, in this guide you are
lead through the various options, for
creating music with versions of DMC
music editor
The Guide has been broken down in
sections the disk image that
accompanies this series is available
from here
the disk contains
(GRAFFITY) + Docs (By Richard), DMC
V5.0, DMC V5.0+ (CREAMD/C64.SK), DMC
2.2.2 Wavetable
2.2.3 Pulse / PWM
By pushing SHIFT_R + RETURN, you will
switch in the Wavetable below (##, WV,
FX). The first column shows the
wavetable position. The second column
have to be filled up with Waveforms or
Commands (like Reset, Loop etc.).
Accessory parameters will be written
in the last column.
The small examples above shows some
possibilities, how you can fill up
your wavetable. You can try to add
these values simple by writing the
numbers in it at shown position, and
you can test it by pushing SPACE key.
Every 8 bit parameter in the wavetable
contains informations about the
different Waveform-,
Ringmodulation-, Sync-, KEY-Bit for
every channel:
The Low Nibble (4 bits right)
represent following parameter:
Bit 0: Key-Bit (or TEST-Bit -
activating ADSR of OSC)
Bit 1: Sync-Bit (syncronizing
fundamental frequency of 2 OSCs
Bit 2: Ring-Bit (activating
Ringmodulation only for Triangle-OSC
using in combination of 2 OSCs)
Bit 3: GATE-Bit (activating GATE or
The High Nibble (4 bits left)
represent the waveform type:
Bit 4: Triangle-Bit (activating ADSR
for OSC)
Bit 5: Saw-Bit (activating ADSR for
Bit 6: Pulse-Bit (activating ADSR for
Bit 7: Noise-Bit (activating ADSR for
So following Waveforms are possible:
You are able to combine Triangle, Saw
and Pulse waveforms:
3x: Triangle + Saw
5x: Triangle + Pulse
6x: Saw + Pulse
7x: Triangle + Saw + Pulse
Notice that the last combinations
sounds nasaly (thinner) to a 6581 SID.
While testing the examples above you
will notice that Pulse sounds (41 -
which activates Bit 0 and Bit 6) will
not be heard (if you press SPACE),
that's why we havn't defined a
Pulsewidth yet. See chapter below.
The only Waveform which can't combined
is Noise, because higher values than
8F will setup you jump position: 9x
(Ax,Bx ...) and x represents the count
of the steps back. Ax will loop x + 16
steps, Bx will loop x + 2*16 steps
further and so on, so that you are
able to jump in a huge range using
other wavetable startpoints too.
Wavetable start points can be set for
an instrument by writing a value under
## on the right side on screen (You
have to leave the wavetable first).
Notice if there is empty space in
wavetable, empty instrument in front
of another will not stored if you save
a song! Remember this and don't
confuse a hexadezimal parameter with a
decimal number.
For our first instrument we will set
the start point at ## 00 and create a
Pulse Loop:
2.2.3Pulse / PWM
Not hearing a sound doesn't mean there
isn't any playing. You will see, that
we have only to adjust the Pulsewidth
of that pulse sound, because a pulse
wave at '0' will not change amplitude.
So first we setup P parameter. P will
setup the pulsewidth between 0..F.
Value 0 means low, 8 is middle and F
is highest. First we start with P = 8.
Then we change to P = 1. Do you hear
the difference? Play around a bit with
this values.
You can add numbers for the six SPEEDS
parameter "000000" (1..F). The SPEEDS
parameter will pass through in a
chronical order. You should always
start with the first. That first speed
value will run to the right border
(max pulsewidth) in a defined speed:
A next value will run in the other
direction back until the left border
(min pulsewidth) is reached. Further
values will repeat the both directions
again. If a value is defined as 0, it
will stop on the last border. Higher
speed values gives the Pulse tone more
fat sound and more vibration, because
the speedtable runs faster.
The L parameter in front of P will
define the borders of min and max
pulsewidth for modulation. Higher
values will cut down the area to
swing. Higher values will produce a
nice vibro effect. If L = 7 it will
not change the pulsewidth anymore.
So let try this little example for
If a pulsewidth will setup behind
these borders and runs away from them,
the pulsewidth will repeat one
direction 16 times. I'm not sure if it
is the intention. Same happends, if L
is higher than 8. It will change to
another effect.
The second L parameter behind this
6-STEP-SPEED represents the speed fine
tuning of a PWM. A entered value will
start the PWM in very small speed
changes (it isn't necessary to setup
6-STEP-SPEED values before). It will
run the PWM in both directions
automatically. The fine-speed can be
controlled between values of 0..F. The
fine-speed value will be added up to
the values of 6-STEP-SPEED PWM.
For the whole understanding, please
take a look at the following graph: